Tag Archives: Greg Carr

Keynote Speaker Confirmed: Greg Carr, Philanthropist & Human Rights Activist

We are pleased to announce that one of the keynote speeches at the Pacific NW Global Donors Conference will be delivered by entrepreneur, human rights activist and philanthropist, Gregory C. Carr.

Greg Carr is leading a bold philanthropic venture to restore Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park, which was once described as the place “where Noah left his ark”. The Carr Foundation has committed $40 million dollars over 30 years to protect and restore the park’s ecosystem, and to help develop an eco-tourism industry in the communities surrounding the park. By reintroducing animal species (elephants, hippos and other bulk grazers) to the land, creating jobs within the park, funding schools and health clinics and training local farmers, the Carr Foundation (in it’s partnership with the government of Mozambique) has embarked on an ambitious restoration effort.

Carr’s environmental work in Africa is supplemented by his commitment to human rights in the Pacific NW. Born and raised in Idaho, Carr purchased the Aryan Nations compound in Northern Idaho, following a successful lawsuit by the Southern Poverty Law Center on behalf of two victims of attacks by security guards near the compound. The lawsuit effectively bankrupted the far-right white supremacist organization. He then dismantled the compound, turned it into a peace park and signed the deed over to the North Idaho College Foundation in 2002.

We invite you to read more about Greg Carr and his philanthropic ventures and work as a human rights activist. Carr has been profiled in Outside Magazine, The New Yorker, Smithsonian, and featured on CBS’s 60 Minutes.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear Greg Carr speak at the 2011 Pacific NW Global Donors Conference on April 1, 2011. Register now!